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Kickstart your kids' future

Invest with as little as $5 to give your child a head start in life.

Start Now
Headstart Screenshot

Investing for your child has never been easier

If you're investing for your child, you probably have questions: Is it secure, easy to manage, and flexible enough for your goals? With Pearler Headstart, you can check all those boxes and invest as much (or as little) as you like. Here's how to get started:


Contribute money to your child's future.


Choose investments for the long-term.


Pass the investments to your child when they turn 18.

Headstart graphic showing the 3 steps to invest on pearler
Headstart graphic showing the 3 steps to invest on pearler
Ready to start investing?


Helping families build wealth for 5,000+ children and growing
Hannah WoodwardHannah Woodward

What I love is that investing for my daughter is incredibly simple. I've set up an account in her name but with my TFN. I've shared the details with family and friends, so if they contribute, it goes directly into her account.

Hannah Woodward
Age 35, WA
Shane BryerShane Bryer

It's as simple as depositing into the kids' Pearler account - it does the rest! No calculating what the share price and brokerage fee is to determine which share to buy or how many of them - it's so easy!

Shane Bryer
Age 43, QLD
Piya SavagePiya Savage

Growing up with a single mum, money was on our minds a lot. I knew that I wanted to make sure my daughter never has to worry (or worry a little less). I started investing for her via Pearler when she was 2, letting compounding work its magic!

Piya Savage
Age 40, VIC

Two options to invest for your kids

Start your child's investment journey with just a few dollars through Micro, or access ETFs and shares with ASX Invest.
ASX Invest graphicASX Invest graphic
AU Flag

Option 1: ASX

pearl sparkle

Boring investing for the long-term from just $5.50 per transaction

  • $500 minimum investment

  • Invest in CHESS-sponsored ETFs and shares on the ASX

  • Individual or minor account options

  • Guardians' TFN for account

Explore ASX Shares
Micro graphicMicro graphic

Option 2: Micro

pearl sparkle

Start small with only $2 a month

  • $5 minimum investment

  • Invest in managed funds that track ETFs

  • Individual or minor account options

  • Option to use guardians' or minors' TFN

Explore Micro
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Not sure which product is right for your child?

Don't worry, we've got you covered. The Kids Investing Hub can help you choose the best option for your child.

Explore Kid's Hub

We're helping parents and guardians

Meet Ana Kresina!

While on parental leave, Ana realised there weren't enough resources to help new parents build wealth for their kids.
Now, with two books under her belt and a solid investment plan for her children, she's sharing her expertise with parents and guardians everywhere.
The covers of two books written by Ana Kresina
Join with thousands of parents and explore our resources just for you!
Ana is reading a book to a kid


Investors on Pearler

An investing experience that is trusted by a large community of Aussies who want to reach financial independence. Let's reach there together.

5 star rating

My favourite parts of Pearler are the ability to show total net worth (properties, super, savings, investments.. everything!)

Profile picture of Chantal
Eadie Adams

Age 34, Brisbane

Keep track of your wealth in one spot


Phone filled with many finance apps
Phone filled with many finance apps


Pearler is an all-in-one finance app for the next generation
Pearler is an all-in-one finance app for the next generation

94% of our investors are building wealth so they don't have to work forever, or buy a first home (or both)

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How you can Automate

Automate, previously known Autoinvest gives you the power to implement one of the most effective investment strategies, dollar-cost-averaging (DCA), in the click of a button.

We have the most all-rounded Automation feature in the industry.

Giving you all the flexible options to cater to your investing style.

Branches to all the ways you can invest

Schedule investments


Rebalance my portfolio


Invest excess cash

Multi-asset invest

Automate today

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