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How to retire early in Australia

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By Ana Kresina

2023-05-164 min read

Have you ever wondered how to retire early in Australia? In this article, we're going to dive into the world of early retirement and share some top tips and strategies.

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Are you looking into how to retire early in Australia? Are you intimidated by the concept of investing and the terminology that comes with it? It may seem like you're one of the many who wants to retire early but has no idea where to start.

Many Australians are worried about their retirement and are looking for ways to retire early. However, without proper knowledge and planning, it can be difficult to achieve financial independence and retire early.

Fear not! Let's walk through some of the ways to retire early in Australia. Whether you're new to the world of investing or not, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll break down the steps on how to retire early in Australia and make it simple for you. So, let's get you on the path to early retirement!

How to retire early in Australia — Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

Financial independence is a concept often talked about in investing. But what does it really mean? The thing is, it can mean different things to different people.

Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a movement in which people aim to retire early by building up passive income streams that cover their living expenses.

So, instead of working until you're 65 (or older), you could potentially retire much earlier. Sounds great, right? But how do you achieve it? As you may have guessed, it involves careful planning, budgeting, and investing.

The idea is to save up and invest as much money as you can. Your investments can then theoretically generate enough passive income to cover your living expenses. This means that you won't have to rely on a job or a traditional pension to fund your retirement. This is just one of the benefits of financial independence.

But, of course, it's not as simple as just saving and investing money. You need to have a solid plan in place, and you need to be disciplined with your budget and investments. You'll also need to be aware of the risks involved with investing, as no investment is 100% guaranteed to make money.

The first step on how to retire early in Australia

A great first step to establish how to retire early in Australia is to determine how much you need. Pearler's Financial Independence Calculator lets you do just about that in a clear and simple steps.

So, here's the deal: the calculator considers factors to figure out how much money you need for early retirement. It takes into account variables like your current savings, your expenses, and how much you want to spend each year in retirement.

All you have to do is plug in the numbers, and the calculator crunches the data. It also gives you an estimate of how much you'll need to invest to achieve your early retirement goals.

Think of it as your personal guide to planning your financial future. It takes away the guesswork and helps you set a realistic target. It even considers things like inflation, investment returns, and any other income sources you might have.

Using the calculator is a smart starting point for your financial planning journey. It gives you a clear idea of what you need to aim for and helps you set achievable goals. You'll be able to see how your current savings stack up against your retirement needs, and it can be a wake-up call or a confidence booster.

Remember, this calculator isn't a crystal ball that can completely read the future. It can only make assumptions about investment rates of return, but it can provide a solid foundation for your planning. This calculator lays out a roadmap for your savings journey and helps you make smart choices. It takes away the guesswork and helps you make informed decisions for your future.

Investing your way to Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)

Investing is like planting seeds for your financial future. When you invest your money, it has the potential to grow over time. By choosing the right investment options for your circumstances, you can generate passive income that helps you become financially independent. It's like having money work for you while you enjoy life!

The thing is: all investment carries risks. Although this may sound overwhelming, there are ways to combat it. diversification has historically been one way of reducing risks. Think of it like having a mix of different things in your investment basket. Instead of putting all your money into one stock, you're spreading it across different stocks and even other types of investments. This way, if one investment doesn't perform well, others can make up for it.

Now, let's explore some investment options available to Australians:

1.Shares. Shares are like tiny ownership pieces of companies. When you buy shares, you become a part-owner of those companies. When you invest in shares, you have the opportunity to make money in two ways.

First, if the company does well and makes a profit, it may share some of that profit with its shareholders in the form of dividends . It's like getting a bonus for being an owner.

Second, if the value of the shares increases over time, you can sell them at a higher price than what you paid. This increase in value is called capital appreciation.

2.Exchange-traded funds (ETFs). ETFs are like investment bundles that hold a bunch of different shares or other assets. They give you instant diversification with just one investment. While they carry risks like any other investment, ETFs have enjoyed favour in the FIRE community for a few reasons.

First, they give you instant diversification. With an ETF, you can have a well-rounded investment portfolio without having to pick individual stocks.

Second, ETFs are designed to track specific indexes or markets. An index is like a group of popular companies that represent a particular market or industry. When you invest in an ETF that tracks a specific index, you're essentially investing in the overall performance of that group of companies. So if the index goes up over time, your investment can grow too.

Lastly, ETFs are usually low-cost investments. They have lower fees compared to some other investment options

3.Managed funds . These are professionally managed investment portfolios that pool money from many people to buy a mix of assets.

Here's how it works: when you invest in a managed fund, your money is combined with money from other investors. The fund managers then use this pool of money to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, such as shares, bonds, or property.

There are a couple of key reasons investors might investors might choose managed funds.

Firstly, they provide instant diversification. The fund managers choose a mix of different investments, which helps to spread your money across various assets. This diversification can help protect your investments if one company or sector doesn't perform well.

Secondly, managed funds allow you to start investing with smaller amounts of money. Since your money is combined with other investors', it's easier to get started with a lower investment amount.

But remember: all investments bear a degree of risk. It's like trying out a new recipe – there's a chance it might not turn out perfect. That's why it's crucial to learn about frameworks on setting your investment goals . Doing your research can help you make informed decisions and manage the risks involved.

Other details on how retire early in Australia

There's more than one method for working towards Financial Independence and Early Retirement. Let's explore some of them!

Saving and budgeting

One way to make early retirement a reality is by saving money. This means setting aside a portion of your income regularly and putting it into a savings account or other investment vehicles. Saving allows you to accumulate funds over time, which can be used to support your lifestyle during retirement.

Budgeting is another key aspect of achieving early retirement. It involves tracking your income and expenses to ensure that you're spending less than you earn. When you create a budget, you make a plan for how you want to spend your money. It helps you decide what's important to you and where you can cut back on unnecessary expenses. By doing this, you free up more money that you can then save and invest for your future.

To help you with saving and budgeting, here are a few tips:

1.Pay your future self first . Set aside a portion of your income for savings before paying your bills or spending on other things. It's like giving yourself a financial priority.

2.Track your expenses . Keep a record of your spending to see where your money is going. This can help you identify areas where you can cut back and save more.

3.Set realistic goals . Determine how much you want to save and by when. Having specific targets can motivate you to stick to your budget and stay on track towards early retirement.

4. Automate your savings . Consider setting up automatic transfers from your paycheque to a separate savings account. This way, the money is saved before you even have a chance to spend it.

5.Cut unnecessary expenses . Take a close look at your expenses and identify ways in which you can trim down. It could be eating out less, reducing entertainment expenses, or finding ways to save on everyday bills.

When you save and budget your money, you're taking important steps towards making financial independence inevitable . The money you save can then be used for investments. These investments have the potential to grow over time and give you extra money in the future. It's like using your savings to make your money work for you and help you retire sooner.

Remember, saving and budgeting require discipline and commitment. It's important to stay consistent and make it a habit. Small steps taken today can make a big difference in your financial future.


Investing in property can be another method to work towards early retirement. Here are the key details on the benefits and risks of property investing:


1.Potential for long term growth . Property values have historically increased over time, providing the opportunity for capital appreciation.

2.Rental income . Owning an investment property can generate rental income. This can help to cover mortgage payments and provide a passive income stream.

3.Diversification . If you're already a shares owner, investing in property adds diversification to your portfolio. This can help reduce risk by spreading your investments across different asset classes.


1.Market fluctuations . Property values can fluctuate due to changes in the economy or local market conditions. This means that the returns you can get from your property investment may change too.

2.High upfront costs . When you buy a property, you need to put in a lot of money upfront. This includes a down payment, and additional costs like closing fees. And don't forget about the ongoing expenses for maintenance and repairs.

3.Vacancy and tenant issues . If your property remains vacant or you encounter difficulties with tenants, it can impact your rental income and cash flow.

When it comes to investing in property, there are a few things you need to do. First, do your homework and learn about the property market. Understand the rules and regulations in your area. Also, think about important factors like where the property is located, how much demand there is, and how much you can earn from renting it out.

Investing in property can be a sound way to grow your wealth, but it's important to consider the pros and cons. There are also a number of property investing strategies for you to explore. Think about diversifying your investments and considering property as just one part of your overall investment plan.


Superannuation is a retirement savings system in Australia. The money in your superannuation account is invested into different things like stocks, bonds, and property to help it grow over time.

One benefit of superannuation is that the money you contribute is generally taxed at a lower rate compared to your regular income. This means you get to keep more of your hard-earned money, and it has the potential to grow faster.

To use superannuation for early retirement, you need to take advantage of its features. One way is to contribute extra money into your superannuation on top of what your employer puts in. These extra contributions are called voluntary contributions. By making voluntary contributions, you're adding more money to your retirement savings, which can grow over time.

Another thing to consider is how your superannuation is invested. You can choose different investment options within your superannuation fund, such as growth-focused or conservative options. These options determine how your money is invested, and they come with different levels of risk and potential return.

Remember, superannuation is a long term investment. Because of this, accessing the money before retirement age may have restrictions. As such, it's essential to plan and manage your superannuation with the goal of achieving early retirement in mind.

FIRE looks different for everyone

It's important to remember that achieving FIRE looks different for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all approach retire early in Australia. It's a personal journey that depends on your unique goals, values, and lifestyle.

Focus on determining your own goals and developing a financial plan that aligns with what matters most to you. Also think about what early retirement means to you. Is it having more time for family, pursuing a passion, or enjoying a flexible lifestyle?

Take the time to understand your financial situation. Look at your income, expenses, and any investments. Set realistic targets and milestones along the way. Once you have a clear picture, set achievable goals and milestones. It's important to have a plan that aligns with your current situation and helps you move closer to financial independence.

Your journey towards early retirement is unique to you. With perseverance, discipline, and a clear vision, you can work towards achieving your own version of FIRE on your own terms.

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Ana Kresina

Ana Kresina is the Head of Product and Community at Pearler. She is also a published author, and the co-host of the Get Rich Slow Club podcast.

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