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ETFs + Pearler Micro combo?

Hello there. Hoping someone can help with my analysis paralysis on whether to consolidate long and short term investment goals into one "bucket" or if it's best to keep em separated. I'm investing larger amounts of $ into my CHESS ETFs on a regular basis as part of my long term investment FI strategy. I also currently trickle smaller amounts (a few hundred each fortnight) as a short term savings goal to pay off a 9K bill due in a few years (currently in Raiz). Conscious of keeping my long term "sacred", but also trying to minimise fees. Cheers for any wisdom!



Dave Gow - Strong Money Australia


4 months ago

Hi Darren,

Interesting question.

I would personally approach it a different way. If I had a situation where I needed the money in just a few years, I’d probably not have that money in shares, but a savings account (or offset account) instead.

So I would separate it by not investing short-term savings and just having one ETF set-and-forget portfolio.

If you are more flexible though and may be able to pay this bill in other ways, then I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sticking to the current plan. Especially since it’s only temporary, and it sounds like you’d rather keep things separate, plus the fees probably won’t be all that much.

Hope that’s useful.


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