Groupon, Inc.
👑 Overview
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Annual Growth
5 years average annual growth
Pearlers Invested
Since January 2020
👑 Overview
Key information
🔎 Fund Overview
Groupon, Inc. is a scaled two-sided marketplace that connects consumers to merchants. The Company’s marketplace is accessible through its mobile applications and its websites, which are primarily localized sites in 13 countries. It has two segments, North America and International, and in three categories, Local, Goods and Travel. Local category includes services from local and national merchants, and other local and national merchants, including things to do, beauty and wellness and dining, as well as other services. Goods category includes merchandise across multiple product lines, such as electronics, sporting goods, jewelry, toys, household items and apparel. Travel category features travel experiences at both discounted and market rates, including hotels, airfare and package deals covering both domestic and international travel. The customer can contact the merchant directly to make a travel reservation after purchasing a travel voucher from the Company.
📈 Performance
Price History*
* US price history does not take into account stock splits
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Included in unit price, not charged by Pearler
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Technical Info
💰 Price*
*Price may be up to 24 hours old
👩👩👦 Community Insights
How our community is investing
🌏 Pearlers invested in GRPN
📊 Total Capital Earnings
🔃 Average investment frequency
💵 Average investment amount
⏰ Last time a customer invested in GRPN
GRPN investor breakdown
💵 Income of investors
More than 200k
150k - 200k
100k - 150k
50k - 100k
Less than 50k
👶 Age of investors
18 - 25
26 - 34
35 - 90
🙋 Legal gender of investors
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