How do I change my password?
If you are logged in to the platform, please follow these instructions to change your password:
Navigate to your 🔒 Security from within the ⚙️Settings page.
Click the "Change" button under the Password section.
Fill in the form with your current and new passwords and click "Change password".
From now on you can log in to the platform with your new password.
If you are logged out and need to reset your password, please follow these instructions:
On the Login page, click "Forgot password" to navigate to the Forgot password page.
Enter your Pearler account email address & click "Send Email".
A password reset request email will be sent to your email address, from this email click the "Reset Password" link.
In the newly opened window, enter a new password and click "Set Password".
From now on you can log in to the platform with your new password.
Jonathon Green
13 April 2021