Does Pearler provide tax reporting capabilities?
Preparing for tax time as an investor is a highly personalised topic. There are a range of factors that can influence your tax return, including the different tax implications due to the variety of investment vehicles or products we offer.
Since Pearler is a CHESS-sponsored broker, your AU dividends and distributions data should be pre-filled to the ATO by the end of July if you have provided us with the TFN.
If this was not pre-filled for any reason, the share registries will always release dividends or distributions statements for download around the first week of August to help with your tax return.
We partner with Sharesight and Navexa for more comprehensive reporting and if you invest with Micro, we will provide a tax statement that you can give to your accountant or use to complete your tax return. To download this and other helpful statements, please head to your Settings > Reports page.
At this stage, we aren't able to provide you with an all-inclusive tax report. However, to give you a better understanding of how we can assist with tax, we've created a tax info resource.