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How to browse, find and share portfolios, and why this is so important to Pearler

Comparing decisions helps us make better ones. Think about a decision you made today - whether it be opening a new bank account or dining at a new restaurant, we constantly use comparison to make better-informed decisions.

But when it comes to investing, we don't talk enough. Over 84% of Australians want to invest, but only 19% invest confidently. The data shows though, that 38% of confident investors talk about their investments with their friends and family (ASX data). We think that this is the key and by giving all investors a platform to share what they do with their money, we can make a generation of confident investors.

Browsing Portfolios

To checkout someone's portfolio(s), go to the profiles page on our site (or app). From there you will be able to see all publicly available profiles on our platform.

Simply select one of those to learn about why and how they invest.

From here you are able to view three portfolios Tash has set up - her Portfolio as well as two others that she's set up to share with her audience when they as what she'd do differently under different personal circumstances.

You're also able to Follow Tash if you want to stay abreast of changes she makes to her target portfolios. You can do this for all profiles.

Finding Portfolios

The quickest way to find the portfolio(s) of someone you know is on Pearler is by simply asking them to send their profile URL to you.

Mine is If you navigate to this URL, you will be taken to my profile page - shown below.

From here you are able to view three portfolios I've set up - my Target Portfolio as well as two others that I've set up to share with friends who ask me what I'd do differently under different personal circumstances.

You're also able Follow me if you want to stay abreast of changes I make to my target portfolios. You can do this for all profiles.

It's important to note that for you to be able to see your friend's profile, "make my profile public" must be turned on in their profile privacy settings.

Sharing Portfolios

To share a portfolio, you need to share the profile of the person who created the portfolio.

Simply navigate to that profile and click the share icon! This works for your profile too.

help article author

23 November 2020

