

A Pocketbook alternative is coming to Pearler

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By Ana Kresina

2022-07-252 min read

You may have heard that Pocketbook is closing on 5th August. It's been a much loved personal money manager, and it will be missed. And if you’re thinking “What’s Pocketbook?”, then don’t worry - this email is still for you.

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In a nutshell, Pearler is launching a personal money manager to help you track your spending, transfers, and savings goals. In its final form, it will combine the best aspects of Pocketbook and every other leading money management app.

Regardless of whether you’ve used something like this before, we’d love to share it with you! It’s completely free and will be available in its beta form from 1st August. You don’t need to be a current Pearler investor to use it, so feel free to spread it around.

Join the waitlist for our personal money manager

Have you ever used Pocketbook, or another personal money manager? Read on!

With this Pocketbook alternative, we want to include all the features that everyone loved in Pocketbook - or any other personal money manager. That’s why we’re asking you, our PMM veterans, for your feature requests. By sharing your most desired features with us, you’re helping us create the perfect personal money manager for you.

Specifically, we’d love to know:

  • If you use Pocketbook, which features will you miss when it’s gone?
  • If you use another app, what’s missing for you? What would make it an ideal personal money manager?
  • Do you prefer to track your money manually rather than using an app? If so, what’s missing in the apps that you’d like to see? How can we make your life easy enough to win you over from Excel?

To share your requests, simply reach out to hayden@pearler.com

That’s it from us for now. We look forward to empowering you in your finance journey. Knowledge is power, and with this Pocketbook alternative, we hope to turn you into a finance wizard.

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Ana Kresina

Ana Kresina is the Head of Product and Community at Pearler. She is also a published author, and the co-host of the Get Rich Slow Club podcast.

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