

Aussie FIRE eBook


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Aussie FIRE eBook Blogs

Congratulations! If you're here, it's because you want to know more about long-term investing and healthy money habits. Financial literacy isn't something we teach in Australian schools, so you've taken the initiative to learn for yourself. We love that, and we're here to help.

Are shares the best path to FIRE
Are shares the best path to FIRE? | Aussie FI...
Are shares the best path to FIRE? | Aussie FIRE
Dave and Hayden, Aussie FIRE


6 min read

Are shares the best path to FIRE
Are shares the best path to FIRE? | Aussie FIRE

In this Aussie FIRE episode, we explore the question: are shares the best investment for Financial Independence? Read on...

author profile
Dave and Hayden, Aussie FIRE


6 min read
