How can Navexa help me with performance tracking and tax reporting?
Note: We do our best to share general resources so you can do your own research. When it comes to tax, this is personal to your investing and financial position. We are not a tax advisor and don't have any information about your personal situation. When investing, there may be tax implications and you should get advice from a licensed tax adviser.
This is a simple, step-by-step guide to setting up tax reporting on your Pearler account, using our Navexa integration.
Navexa is a popular performance tracking and tax reporting solution for investors - which is why we built the integration! It includes many useful features such as automatic dividend tracking, performance reports, and support for multiple currencies. You can track up to 10 holdings for free!
Step 1 - Login to Pearler
Simply log in to your Pearler account to get started.

Step 2 - Go to your Settings > Third party integrations page

Step 3 - Login/Sign Up to Navexa
Login to Navexa using the account details of the Navexa account you would like to sync, or if you don't have a Navexa account yet click "Register" to sign up for a free Navexa account.

Step 4 - Sync with Navexa
Once you are back on your Pearler Settings page, select the Navexa portfolio to sync with your Pearler account.
Let’s go back to Navexa to check that your account is now updated and ready to create your tax reports.

Step 5 - Compare holdings
The best way to tell if you need to add any more information to Navexa is by comparing the number of units held in Pearler and in Navexa.
Navexa Holdings

Pearler Holdings

As you can see, the units match. Note: even if units held are the same, the portfolio value might not be the same at a given point in time because Pearler and Navexa use different data feeds. This is fine, all that matters is that the units match.
If the units don’t match, this is usually because you either:
a) have shares on a platform other than Pearler that are synced to the Navexa portfolio
b) have transferred some shares to Pearler which need to be manually added on Navexa
c) need to activate/deactivate dividend reinvestment tracking on Navexa. Please reach out to the Navexa support team if anything doesn't make sense here.
Step 6 - How to: Get Tax Ready
Wrapping up
Pearler will now automatically update Navexa every time you make a transaction so when next year rolls around, all you need to do is log in to Navexa and print out the reports now.
We hope you love the simplicity of this as much as we do. If you need any further assistance please just reach out to us via the live chat or