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How can I transfer my US shares from Stake?

To transfer US shares from Stake, we will need to submit a Drivewealth Account transfer (DWAC) request. This is because both Pearler and Stake use Drivewealth as our US broker.

DWAC transfers can be processed within 1-2 business days. Although, any errors in the information submitted can result in delays.

To start the process, you will need to complete the DWAC Letter of Authorization and return it to with a copy of your recent Stake account statement.

Here are some helpful tips for filling out the form:

  • Transfer Assets To - this would be your Pearler account number which is found on your Settings -> Shares settings & dividends > US page.

  • Transfer Assets From - you can find this in your Stake app, click on the bottom right profile tab and it should show on the top left under your name (e.g. STFHXXXXXX).


  • Please list all the US Shares you would like to transfer and their quantities. (please note only whole units can be transferred)

As far as we are aware, Stake charges a $65.00 USD fee for transferring out. We would also suggest contacting Stake to confirm this and if there are any other charges that may apply.

If you would like to transfer your US shares from a broker other than Stake please check out this help article.

