Saving for a home deposit
Hi all, My husband and I are wanting to save 100K for a home deposit. We are not sure if the best way to go about this would be by investing what we can each fortnight (approximately $700, more if we undertake OT and side hustles) into a mutual fund here on Pearler or if we save in a high yield savings account. Ideally, we would love to have achieved that within 3-5 years. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks :)
21 November 2024
3 months ago
Hi Rafael,
With a timeframe of 3-5 years, typically a high interest savings account is the wisest place to build a home deposit.
The share market, as powerful as it is for long term wealth, is simply too volatile for short term savings. There’s a risk that when you want to buy your house the market declines, undoing all your hard work at saving.
Ideally you want to invest where you can leave the money untouched for the long term.
All the best.
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