How do I go about selling shares to buy a PPOR?
Hello! I'd like to know how do I go about selling shares to buy a PPOR with my partner? We don’t own any other property and don’t qualify for first home owner schemes. The houses we’re looking at cost around $1M, and I only have $50k in cash (enough to cover buying costs, leaving $0 for a deposit). I have $300k in shares (VAS/VGS held for 5 years) and am considering selling $100k to use as a deposit. I’m struggling to find online resources that explain this process. Any thoughts, opinions, or suggestions? Links to helpful resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Matteo Rossi.
16 January 2025
19 days ago
Hi Matteo,
I’m not really sure how to answer this, but you literally just click on the fund and then click sell instead of buy, and choose the amount you want to sell.
You do this during the day when the market is open so that your order can be filled. There is no magic to it or anything you need to understand, except of course that there will be capital gains tax to pay.
You can do this all at once via pearler and it will cost the same as buying. The funds will clear within a couple of days and then you can withdraw those funds to your bank account.
Hope that helps.
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