Investing through Trust
I wanted to borrow money to invest in VAS/VGS combo from my investment property equity. I am more leaning towards investing through trust to distribute income to low income partner and also thinking asset protection. Thinking of borrowing 200k+. Please suggest pros and cons regarding investing through trust. 44 and 39 yrs of age. Thanks
Rajesh Harjai
25 June 2024
8 months ago
Hi Rajesh.
There’s a lot to consider when thinking whether to invest through a trust. More than I can cover here, and really you should sit down with someone who does this for a living to get proper consulting on your specific situation.
But as a general statement, a trust brings more complexity, more yearly ongoing costs, and more admin to deal with, even if you have a simple portfolio. The main benefits are possible tax savings and asset protection like you’ve said. Keep in mind, you can also invest directly in a low income spouse’s name to achieve some of the same tax benefits
Whether you go ahead will depend on how important those things are to you versus the downsides I’ve stated. You may also want to get some tax advice on the borrowing to buy assets inside the trust as this may need to be done correctly to make sure the interest is tax deductible.
Cheers, Dave
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