K Gill
29 August 2024
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Comments (3)
Interesting question!
By itself, VEU has greater diversification since it is effectively the entire world excluding US, including emerging markets.
VGE on the other hand is only emerging markets.
The difference though, and the important part, is that VGS and VEU overlap a fair bit. So VGE actually is actually a better complement for a VAS/VGS portfolio compared to adding VEU.
By adding VEU, it would be doubling up on Europe and other developed countries outside the US that VGS already has exposure to. This is the error that our other commenter – the AI chat bot – is making ;)
Hope that’s useful.
Love this Dave… don’t think Ai i overtaking real thinkers just yet, but I feel like this thread is a decent combo of brains and tech!
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